A few take-ways below :
🔥 High-growth sector - orthopedic RAS market in APAC is expected to surge by 45% over the next three years
🧑⚕️Increasingly supported by clinical evidence: increased precision & improved surgical planning lead to better clinical outcomes & higher patient satisfaction
🚀52.2% of knee procedures expected to use robotic technology in five year
😤 Some enduring obstacles hinder adoption, especially in ASCs: High Platform Purchasing Cost, Significant Learning Curve & Longer Set-up Time --> growing industry demand for more cost-efficient and usable solutions. (Hello 👋)
💸 Four different sales models out there : Revenue-Sharing / Subscription / Outright Purchase / Pay-per-Use
💰 Active market: over $1 billion raised since 2016 by orthopedic surgical robotics companies(including by us !)
Great to see to much of our intuitions and design inputs confirmed. Let's go !