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METZ Rencontres du Développement Durable
Notre CEO s'est exprimée aujourd'hui à Metz aux #RDD2022 ! Les Rencontres du Développement Durable, organisées par l'Institut Open...
" Rencontres du Développement Durable : l'espoir est là , beaucoup de solutions aussi ! ""L'espo...
CentraleSupélec : our team members share their experience with students
It's always both a pleasure and an honor to give back to society. Last Thursday our team members Michel VERNIZEAU and Nicolas Loy Rodas...
Great moment at QtDevCon@Berlin for teammates Timothé Van Deputte and Nicolas Goffinet this week !
Meeting Qt/KDAB experts to enhance our knowledge and practices of Qt framework and tooling. Nice organization, great place, grea t...
Exciting day at the Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery Conference in Brest, France !
with our team Anna Gounot Marion Decrouez Baptiste Dehaine and Nicolas Loy Rodas !
Quantum Surgical SAS est ravi d'avoir accueilli hier en ses locaux des membres de l'équipe Ganymed
Belle image s’il en est de la superbe dynamique de l’éco système français en matière de robotique médicale 🦾🇫🇷 ! Ganymed Robotics est...
Great brainstorming and knowledge sharing experience at the LIRMM Laboratory in Montpellier !
On the menu : advanced calibration methodologies and kinematics. Thanks Nabil Zemiti & team for the warm welcome and high-quality workshop.
Table ronde sur la chirurgie du futur
On peut être fiers de l’écosystème français en matière d’innovation médicale, et en particulier chirurgicale ! Ravie d’avoir pu échanger...
Qualité & règlementaire : comment embarquer les équipes dans un virage crucial ?
Ganymed au SNITEM. Aujourd’hui se déroulait la journée des start up innovantes du dispositif médical, organisée par le SNITEM. Ganymed...
MedTech Strategist’s Innovation Summit invites Ganymed
Our CEO Sophie Cahen presented our new vision for orthopedics today at MedTech Strategist’s Innovation Summit # 22 in Dublin, Ireland....
Ganymed at the Dublin Innovation Summit ! April 26-28
Europe's largest medtech investment and networking conference is coming back for the first time in two years, and Ganymed will be...
Great workshop in Brest with a world-leading laboratory in medical image processing.
Featuring smiling Ganymed team members Marion Decrouez, Baptiste Dehaine, Nicolas Loy Rodas, and Anna Gounot.
Inspiring 2nd day at AAOS !
Dense and inspiring 2nd day at AAOS with super relevant symposia and clinical courses, great meetings with industry players, and highly...
What’s next for the human odyssey ?CentraleSupélec’s tech incubator’s 20th anniversary
What’s next for the human odyssey ? How will we interact with machines in all aspects of our lives ? How to feed the world sustainably ?...
AAOS 2022 : Ganymed CEO & COO will be attending the Annual Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery
21st to 25th of March, Sophie Cahen and Silvere Lucquin will be in Chicago, attending the AAOS, the most highly anticipated and...
Great time ! National Academy of Surgery, Paris’ Latin quarter.
Awesome to (re)connect with leading players in France’s booming surgical robotics ecosystem : Lucien Blondel, Philippe Bencteux MD, who...
What’s the future of surgery ? MEDICEN
What’s the future of surgery ? Personalized, efficient, human-led, data-powered, machine-augmented - that’s what we believe, and an...
Ganymed Robotics attends 2021 SOFCOT
Ganymed Robotics at the 2021 SOFCOT, Congrès de la Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique & Traumatologique
Ganymed’s R&D team attended virtually the MICCAI 2021 conference.
MICCAI, the main international conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, took place this week
Innovation takes hard work. Ganymed at SIDO
Innovation takes hard work, and doesn’t happen in isolation. To discover the latest advances in applied robotics and AI, our team members...
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